Saturday, October 5, 2019

Final Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Final Paper - Essay Example Those who wanted to purchase homes in black neighborhoods were not covered in their mortgage even if they were financially well-off. As a result, black families and communities became trapped in these poor communities and their plight was not improved at all when other white communities were flourishing. Part of the development process in the cities also included the building of freeways cutting through many black communities and areas, prompting these people to move and settle in the suburbs or in other more convenient areas. The devastating part about the building of the freeway system is that it only cut through the black and poorer communities, but hardly through rich and white neighborhoods. This practice successfully separated black and white communities, or poor and rich communities – it successfully displaced the already disadvantaged black communities into poorer and even more dangerous neighborhoods. The government also provided much motivation for the middle class whites to leave the cities and flee to the suburbs. Motivation came in the form of mortgage and tax exemptions offered to veterans. Consequently, these individuals took advantage of these benefits and further increased the gap between the rich and the poor and increasing the concentration of poverty in some areas. These suburban communities featured successful individuals – most of them were white. In fact, the first black family to settle in such an urban community was bullied and eventually driven out of the community. In effect, the rich and the white status of said communities were maintained and the black and poor image of the urban poor was also maintained. Moreover, zoning policies further restricted the access of the poorer people to the more affluent and more progressive urban communities. New housing policies which were set forth in the aftermath of the

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