Monday, October 7, 2019

Human Resources Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Human Resources Management - Essay Example Due to the diverse nature of the roles played by the human resources department of any organizations the unit could consist of several individuals based on their career roles. Recruiting and placement manager are in charge of sourcing for the right candidates to serve in the organization (Mathis & Jackson, 2008). This is mainly done through advertising for available positions, conducting the selection process through interviewing and making an employment decision based on the evaluation of shortlisted candidates (Mathis & Jackson, 2008). A development and training specialist are in charge of orientation for new employees in the roles, they are expected to play in the organization. They also analyze employee performance to identify any deficits. The feedback obtained in applied in planning, coordinating and conducting training for capacity building (Mathis & Jackson, 2008). A career as a compensation and benefits specialist involves providing legal information to employees and the company on labor organization regulations in terms of employee remunerations, benefits offered, and compensations recommended. They are in charge of wages and salaries administration. Strategic planning based on company performance and growth projections is done to evaluate the ability of available resources to sustain the set targets. Health, safety and security specialist ensures that the HR department is informed of current employee working conditions in the organization and possible improvement to create an environment that motivate opt imal productivity (Mathis & Jackson, 2008). For effective performance of the HR department, a strategic plan is essential since it links the HR management to the organization overall strategic planning (Armstrong, 2011). It guides future decisions in integrating HR strategies towards meeting the organization mission and vision while sustaining the needs of employees and other stakeholders (Armstrong, 2011). This plan ensures

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