Friday, October 4, 2019

Physical Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Physical Science - Essay Example Weight gain is the dependent variable as its value is determined by another variable in the study, frequency of consumption. The study will be implemented through an experimental design. This approach involves random selection of research participants who are then grouped into experimental and control groups. Placement into either experimental or control groups are also done randomly. Treatment is then applied on the experimental group and data collection and data analysis follows. The research design is preferred for the study because of its strength in evaluating correlation relationship. Existence of experimental and control groups establishes ground for comparisons. In the study, 150 16-year-olds will be recruited, randomly from an academic institution. They will be informed of the scope of the research and their consent, together with their parents’ approval obtained. The students will be restrained from consuming French fries for two weeks and their weights measured. They will then be organized into three groups of 30 participants each, by random selection. One group, the control group will b e restrained from using French fries, another group will be restricted to two times per week consumption of French fries and the third group allowed to take French fries three times a week. Discipline to the assigned consumptions rates will be monitored for four weeks. I shall assume the full responsibility of designing and implementing the study. This will aim at ensuring diligence in implementation of the research design and elimination of potential bias that could arise from self-interest of a contracted party. Data will then be collected for each group, after four weeks, and analysis for any significant difference in mean weight change across the groups done. Two approaches will be used for data analysis. The first approach will investigate possible difference in individuals’ weights

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