Friday, October 18, 2019

Poems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Poems - Essay Example Essentially, Montresor aims to be the jury, a judge, and executioner. Montresor hates Fortunato because the latter had caused many injuries to the former. Due to jealousy, Montresor endeavors to attack Fortunato by skillfully employing a reverse psychology. Notably, Montresor constantly indicates that he has the capacity to ask Luchesi to observe Amontillado although Fortunate detests the obscene scene, and claims that Luchesi does not have the ability to tell Amontillado from Sherry (Poe 745). The audience knows that Montresor is jealous of Fortunato. In order to complete his revenge mission, Montresor tricks Fortunate into coming to his catacombs in order to taste some Amontillado, which is non-existent. Jealousy drives Montresor to endeavor to betray Fortunato by inviting him to taste Amontillado that did not exist. Montresor wishes that he had what Fortunato possessed. Notably, Montresor tells Fortunato that he has the wealth and many people respect, love, and admire him (Poe 744). In effect, Montresor wishes that he had what Fortunate owns. Due to such wishes, Montresor has developed a vengeful spirit catapulted by jealousy (Meyers 202). Montresor thinks that Fortunato is more significant than he is. The protagonist is in deep thought of revenging although he does not indicate the precise reason for executing the deed. The audience can notice that the protagonist intends to kill Fortunato due to mere jealousy and pride. Jealousy is too much in Montresor, and it does not allow him to give his intended action a second thought. Notably, the protagonist proves that he has the highest level of jealousy when he ridicules Fortunato’s attire. Montresor says, â€Å"The man wore mo tley. He had on a tight-fitting parti-stripped dress and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells† (Poe 744). The description of the Fortunato’s attire hinges on a pure jealousy. Poe uses irony to underscore the theme of jealously. Notably, Poe’s choice of the

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