Friday, October 18, 2019

Two One page orders for a discussion post - not a paper just to be Essay - 3

Two One page orders for a discussion post - not a paper just to be done as a discussion board post - Essay Example cientists and leaders like John Adams and Owen have understood the wider implications of education and believed that along with propagation of knowledge, it should also become a tool for preserving the constitution of the nation. Gutek, the modern educationalist has been quite vociferous in promoting radical reforms in the education system to meet the challenges of the contemporary environment of pluralistic society and fast advancing technology. He reaffirms the relevance of the philosophies of Mann, Adams etc. and categorically says that educational institutes must widen their vision and mission to include children and people from diverse background. The goals of NCLB have thus, brought the Public schools to the common man who can now access education, especially in the public schools that are considered a seat of academic excellence but which were well-known for their preferences to the elite class. In the early eighteenth and nineteenth century, education was not universal and catered to the select few who could afford it. Though, the philosophers through the ages have advocated education as the mainstay of development of the nations, historians have shown that the Americans had realized early its importance and reformers like Jefferson, Adams, Mann etc had advocated an education system that would help gain knowledge that could be used for the wider welfare of the society. In the subsequent years, the emergence of public schools, private schools and government schools had promoted politics of segregation, based on social status, racism and class difference. To make education universal and accessible to all, No Child Left Behind is the most commendable program, taken by the Bush government to reduce the increasing disparity in the education system in the United States. The four pillars of the program greatly support the accessibility to good education through ‘accountability, choice, and flexibility in Federal education programs’ (USDOE). NCLB has

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