Tuesday, June 11, 2019

How to make the restaurant successful Case Study

How to make the eatery conquestful - Case Study ExampleThere is hence the need for an interested investor within this industry to consider a number of factors, which are important in making a eatery succeed in business season at the same time having the investor realize targeted gains. However, critical analysis of case studies within the Bora Bora Island reveals high unhealthy competition from restaurant operators, which threatens to silence out interested investors while at the same time making some investors to succumb to business failure and close down. This finding therefore informs this compositions intention to evaluate on the factors that would make restaurants successful and olibanum thrive within the hotel industry. In fact, many flock get interested in investing in hospitality industry as the industry holds great prospects in profits and returns though many do it without proper preparation, which is necessary for the success of the restaurant. Among many factors tha t contribute to the failure of restaurants are poor decisions as easy as poor management practices. Success in managing a successful restaurant requires that management understands the restaurants image, what the customers want as well as the best ways of providing it. Good evaluation of the restaurants location in terms of geographic location as well as the environment is basic features that determine the success of the restaurant. Understanding and preparation for start up cost as well as the associated planning are also fundamental in running a restaurant successfully. There are basic facts that all in all restaurant operators or interested investors need be aware of and they include the following. It is important to have a great business concept, great chef as well as most appropriate business location. Overestimation of business capital is important in that it enables one to plan effectively for the uncertainties that would arise before the restaurant becomes successful in op erations. Offering best services in terms of quality as well as pricing is fundamental in attracting as well as retaining customers. Besides, the ability of a restaurant and the operator to evolve with the prevailing business environment results to success in business operations thus is equally a fundamental fact necessary for restaurant operations and management. Moreover, marketing activities are as basic in operating a restaurant as they are in operating other businesses (Karppinen, 2011, p. 19-37). In the case study of restaurants within BoraBora Island, marketing effectiveness is seen to greatly influence the success of the restaurants while targeting foreigners and the locals. Having been in restaurant industry in Dinard for over 15 years, Marcel Fayete and wife visits BoraBora Island and in greatly moved by the environment and business prospects there. This prompts them to set on relocating and establishing a restaurant there. The island had beautiful physical environment as well as large market in terms of indigenous people and tourists who visit the island on vocations and such other expeditions as honeymoons. Nevertheless, the couple had little research done on the prevailing business conditions in the Island and this would pose a challenge in the future operations of the restaurant. Basic to their investigation was on the rather high priced services, which they understood

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