Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Family Health History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Family Health History - Research Paper Example Cigarettes are often used to cover up uncomfortable feelings like anger and nervousness. Nicotine is known to be poisonous, and it could result in a fatality when taken in large amounts. Secondly, Nicotine produces pleasurable feelings even when taken in small amounts this makes the smoker crave for more. Thirdly, smokers usually suffer both psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms whenever they stop smoking; this is due to the usual dependency on nicotine. Some of the withdrawal results include irritability, nervousness, and headache. Smoking harms nearly every organ resulting in many diseases and reducing health in general. Smoking damages the entire cardiovascular system, and it boosts the blood sugar when nicotine hits your body; it also causes blood vessels to tighten thus restricting blood flow (Sturm 21). Smoking leads to the  blood pressure and lowers good cholesterol level this can result in stretching of arteries and buildup of bad cholesterol it also raises the risk of blood clots forming. Weakened blood vessels and blood clots in the smoker’s brain increases the risk of stroke. There is an increased risk of recurrent coronary heart diseases for smokers who have heart bypass surgery and in long-term smokers are at a greater risk of blood cancer. Nevertheless, smoking has a risk to non-smokers too; breathing secondhand smoke has an immediate effect on the cardiovascular system this leads to heart attack and coronary diseases. To tackle this problem, I will encourage the smoker to seek medical consultation. One of the medical solutions is nicotine replacement therapy.  

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