Saturday, August 10, 2019

Quoting & Paraphrasing (df4) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Quoting & Paraphrasing (df4) - Essay Example rucial, such as when ‘giving added emphasis to a particularly authoritative source on your topic’ (Quotations, 2010), analyzing other people’s language use and in enriching one’s prose. Moreover, valuable guidelines on how to set up and follow up quotations are expounded upon in this rich text, as well as how to best embed a quotation to a sentence. Other important aspects of quotation such as how much one ought to quote, word change possibilities in quotations, indicating quotations within quotations, the use of punctuation during quotation, and so on, are also given special mention in the text. The second article, Paraphrasing (2008) talks about how to avoid plagiarism through the art of paraphrasing. The author advises that the easiest way to avoid plagiarism when performing a research is by using multiple sources of information regarding the topic. However, on occasions when one has only one source to research from, more caution should be observed when paraphrasing, and quoting. According to the piece, paraphrasing entails putting a text’s ideas into one’s own words. However, simply replacing the original words with synonyms can still amount to plagiarism. The article thus offers two brilliant ways on how to paraphrase texts; reading the original text then writing the ideas therein in one’s own words, and, secondly, breaking down passages into component (kernel) ideas/ sentences. The two articles provide rich information for aspiring writers on how they can best borrow ideas from other sources, in attempts to cement their original arguments, without committing the foul of plagiarism. In addition, the articles are essential in aiding writers retain a good flow to their writing, even as they seek to enrich their texts with a myriad of useful information and perspectives concerning an argument or research

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