Friday, September 13, 2019

Why I Am Not Going to Buy a Computer by Wendell Berry Essay

Why I Am Not Going to Buy a Computer by Wendell Berry - Essay Example As a writer, I would have to sacrifice an association that I am dependent upon and that I treasure.† However, people should not reject the new technology to use the less advanced typewriters and pencils. The current and future work-related opportunities depend on computers. The chart for â€Å"Projected STEM Job Growth 2010-2020† indicates a seventy percent increase in the jobs that will require advanced technology. People will need skills in more advanced technologies than the pencils and typewriters to work in the computer industry. For example, it will be necessary for the prospective workforce to know how to use the advanced technology to execute different tasks. In addition to the job prospects in the computer industry, the contemporary world uses computers in every aspect of life, and people of different age brackets utilize the current technology. The chart for â€Å"Daily Computer Use by Age Group† shows us that the use of new technology has increased by t wenty-five percent across all age groups. For instance, people use the modern technology such as the instant messaging service and Skype to communicate with their peers in different localities. Thus, the high use of computers indicates that the typewriters and pencils are less helpful in the current and future world.  

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