Thursday, June 20, 2019

Case analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Case analysis - Assignment ExampleFor example, in 2010 the company recorded low profits for the spend quarter. The management blamed the sluggish global economy for the decrease in profits. Additionally, the Wal-Marts management argued that the cuts in food stamps would confuse a negative squeeze on the profits. They further singled out high taxation, reduce in government benefits, and tighter credit as threats to the stores profits.4. The store evolves around with social trends. For instance, Wal-Marts top management has embraced online shopping. Additionally, the business goes in line with the customers demand for healthier foods. However, Wal-Mart did not embrace the use of technology early. The stores founder, Sam Walton, did not care about technology. Currently, the stores website is behind its competitors. Their marketing in the social media did not yield much success.The alternative is for the store to give the trounce customer experience to its customers and hire employee s that would give better service to the customers. Additionally, they have to make their business much attractive by making classy color inside the store. Furthermore, the store has to give low prices to their goods.An improvement in the stores public image will be a sign that they have improved the customer experience. If there will be an increase in the number of customers, it will be evident the store has reduced its prices and the goods are more affordable to all. A general rise in the profits will indicate the store has implemented all its alternatives.The company will be in the right direction if it improves the customer experience. However, no one can fulfill human wants because they are insatiable. Additionally, a reduction in price in give to attract more customers would hurt the stores profits.The paper recommends the store to open more branches. It will make the store become more pop globally. The management should consider more

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