Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Repot Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Repot Plan - Research Paper ExampleEver since then, the company has owned more than 17,000 diffusion stores globally with its produce diversity ranging from drip brew umber, snacks, salads, hot and cold sandwiches, coffee beans, and new(prenominal) hot and cold drinks. Today, Starbucks is facing solid competition from other coffee house organizations and the educational control globally (Schultz & Gordon, 2011). This paper outlines a three year strategic anxiety proposal to Starbucks managing board of directors base on the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and the threats of the company and other factors. This proposal wraps more than a few aspects that will significantly contribute to the growth and evolution of the Starbuck organization. The plan examines several subjects much(prenominal) as strategic marketing procedures and attainable financial policy. In order for the Company to remain competitive in the world market, the direction of the organization has to review sev eral factors in the organization such as management policies, obtainable opportunities, expansion and economic plan strengths, marketing, weaknesses, risks that the organization face in the market with olympian knowledge of the capability of the strategic management plan. Within the span of three years, Starbucks should build customers confidence on their services and products such as take off services (Bussing-Burks, 2009). Take away services are hold and this will enable customer to carry their well packed products. This will make the customers collect an option of purchasing Starbucks products because they are consistent and reliable The three year strategy should ensure that the organization remains to be one of the best coffee house companies globally. The managing board of directors should have more than a few mission statements that describe their products, their partners, their customers, and its stores. The managing board of directors should hire a strategic plan consul tant and facilitator in order to aid the organization with strategic formulation and write the companys vision and mission statements. Mission and vision statement are appropriate in the development of the three year strategy. The objective of the mission and vision statement is to object lens the audience and define the business. The descriptions of the company are determined by the mission and the vision statement of an organization (Bussing-Burks, 2009). Therefore, the managing board of directors should change the companys description in order for the three year strategy to be achievable The business plan of Starbucks should illustrate the industry and the market knowledge as well as the research that will be conducted by the management for the organizational development. One of the major factors that should be considered by the managing board of directors is the industry description and outlook. Industry description and outlook involves the current size and the historic develop ment rate and other factors that have contributed to the growth of the organization. This aspect is significant because it will assist the managing g board of directors to acquire appropriate information about the target market in the next three years. However, for effective success of the strategic management proposal, the managing board of directors should identify the SWOT analysis of Starbucks organization. The purpose of the strategic management is to ensure that in the next thre

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